Nexia helps businesses and organisations of all kinds negotiate risk, improve their performances and realise their potential within the unique and dynamic environments in which they do business. Specialists worldwide come together to deliver these services under the following categories:
Whether you are looking to make an acquisition, form a strategic alliance, raise or invest capital, perhaps through an initial private offering, or release funds through a sale or restructuring, Nexia advisors can help you minimise the associated risks and maximise the returns.
Our Business Advisory experts can work closely with the business management team in order to identify their current financial situation and design the strategic changes needed for the future.
Although thoroughly analyzing the quantitative aspects of a business is important, a good business valuation also incorporates qualitative analyses of the business, the industry, and the economic conditions in which the business operates.
Companies seek valuation advice in a variety of situations to assist with strategic decisions, in support of M&A negotiations, corporate governance or regulatory reasons, or because management requests the value of an asset for business decisions.
Our expertise may include:
Buyers, lenders and sellers involved in mergers or acquisitions must identify the risks and the opportunities associated with the business under consideration. Conducting efficient and effective financial due diligence, helps all contracting parties to take the right strategic decisions. Value creation is more likely if the purchaser has a greater understanding of the target Company. Our expertise and experience allows us to assist clients in the following:
Working Capital Management
By working directly with Company management, Nexia offers assistance to firms that are mismanaging working capital with a view to stabilize financial performance. Through making extensive analysis of the company’s trade relationships and operating cycle, our objective is to create a plan that makes sense and is able to be executed.
The impact of the global recession is unprecedented, severely impacting the majority of the world’s economies. Whether these economies are still in a state of turmoil or have entered a recovery phase, organisations around the world stay cautious in managing their debts, and credit on the whole remains tight.
When a multinational organisation or domestic company finds itself in difficulty, it faces a complex set of issues that require technical expertise in a number of areas.
Our Business Advisory Services department can work both on behalf of the creditors, or the company, in order to run all the procedures needed until the company is deleted from the Trade Register or until the creditors reach an agreement with the company.
When the company’s shareholders for many reasons decide to voluntarily liquidate the company, then Nexia can assist in running the procedure from the beginning until its very end.
The typical procedure includes callings of shareholders and creditors, realising of the company’s assets and settling its obligations. Beyond the typical procedure our company will also be responsible for all the communications with the relevant authorities.
Our Risk Management services include the following:
Internal Audit
Internal Auditing is an objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It can help an organization accomplish its strategic objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
The need for a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes has never been as great as it is today. Risks left un-managed in an organization can ultimately result in its collapse.
We undertake the outsourcing of your company’s internal audit function. Our team will visit your premises to conduct the internal audit and report to the management and the Board of Directors its findings and its recommendations in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your organization.
Design and implementation of business processes
We can assist your company in designing and formalizing its business processes in order to ensure that adequate controls were put in place that mitigates potential risks.
Evaluation of the business processes
We can review the current processes and procedures of your company, analyze them and give constructive recommendations to make them more effective and efficient.
Risk management
We can assist the management in setting up a risk management function or undertake the outsourcing of risk management function of your organisation. This includes the identification and measurement of risks of your company and recommendations how to mitigate them.
Evaluation of internal audit functions
We can evaluate your existing internal audit function and provide you with recommendations to become more effective. The need for a focused approach to internal audit and risk management has never been as great as it is today. Risks left un-managed in an organisation can ultimately result in its demise.
Today, vast financial resources are being made available for sustainable development and humanitarian aid by public sector institutions and bilateral aid programmes. At Nexia we recognise the important role played by the public sector at both a national and an international level.
Improving performance and accountability is important to organisations of all kinds; for international development and finance agencies where financial resources are limited compared to the number of projects requiring funding, this is even more so.
Development agencies are increasingly using beneficiary structures to dispense aid through budget support and sectorial aid. This decentralised management requires service provides to have knowledge and experience of both local market conditions and each donors’ individual requirements and priorities.
We are experienced in working with National Governments and International Institutions including the European Union, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and have carried out numerous grant audits and consulting projects. Our strength lies in combining expert knowledge of local business environments and cultures, with global awareness and business know-how.
We have extensive experience advising national public sector institutions and governments on a range of services, including financial, systems and project audits, grant certification, internal audit services, accounting services and general consultancy, and bring this experience to bear in the international arena.
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Nexia AL is a member of Nexia International, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms that are members of Nexia International Limited. Nexia International Limited, a company registered in the Isle of Man, does not provide services to clients. Please see the “Member firm disclaimer” for further details.